Levi Weischedel

Harrisburg, SD
Certifications:  Legacy Guide

Hi there! I’m Levi Weischedel. I am not an award-winning author, I don’t sell online widgets, and by most accounts I’m an extremely talented let down. I have a love/hate relationship with the Green Bay Packers, father 6 dogs, 2 kids, and do my best rendition of “husband” each and every day.

While I have no accolades that warrant self-promoting, I do promise to bring you all the value, perspective, and encouragement that I can- specifically by helping your story come to life. It is my belief that we all have our own story to share- one that shapes us and gives us deep meaning, but unfortunately, rarely is there an opportunity to share those things that make us, us. My mission is to help tell those stories through questions, pictures, and video.

Think of me like your own personal Spielberg, Woody Allen, or Martin Scorcese… only instead of making up stories, we make your own true story.

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