Chris Hood

Sioux Falls, SD
Certified StoryWay Guide

Hello, I’m Chris!

I am a storyway Guide because I LOVE people, listening to and helping them tell their stories!  All throughout my life, stories by Paul Harvey, businessmen, family members, friends, farmers, and others have inspired me deeply!

My favorite story moment ~ Years ago, while serving as a guide at a camp for foster kids, I had two eleven year old boys, a talker and a fighter. The fighter always had clenched fists. One day I asked: “when are your birthdays?”  The talker said: August 8th.  The fighter said: “hey, that’s mine too!”  Wow! I said.  You guys were born on the same day!”  Where were you born?”  The fighter jumped in and said “I was born in a prison!”  Immediately I got down on one knee in front of him, looked him in the eye and asked: “wait, did you say? You were born in a prison?”  With tearfilled eyes and clenched fists, he said “Yeah!  I was born in a prison!”  I exclaimed: WOW! I knew there was something different about you!  Kids that can survive being born in a prison change the world!  You can change the world!  You were born in a prison!  You are going to change the world!”  Immediately he took a huge breath, opened his hands, looked up at the sky and said: “Yeah!  I’m going to change the world! I was born in a prison!  Kids that are born in prisons can change the world!  I survived that!  I can change the world!”  We gave that boy a new name that week: “The World Changer!

I have been married to my beautiful wife Dianna for 25 years and we have three children, Gracie, Colton and Adrian Faith (in heaven).  I love the Lord, family, designing and building things, creating programs and products through people who feel hopeless, business, travel, and visiting with people and watching them discover that their story is their vehicle to HOPE!

I’d be honored to help you tell your story that will impact generations to come and help you grow your business!

Connect with Chris


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