Claire Obermarck

Sedona, AZ
Certified StoryWay Guide

Hi my name is Claire.  I am a StoryWay Guide because I know our stories define our past, inform our present and inspire our best future.   

In the U.K I have trained teachers how to use Story, worked alongside families, historians, archaeologists, social workers, doctors, prison services, museums, festivals, business leaders, heads of government sectors and community groups. 

I have a BA Degree in Writing & Humanities.  I have a strong working background in Traditional Storytelling being a Directory & Forum member of The Scottish Storytelling Centre and I also run a monthly Storytelling Club in sunny Sedona, Arizona.  

Aside from enjoying stories of all kinds I love spending time with my husband and family.  I just love comedy! And I love music.  I love water and the ocean, swimming in the sea or a natural lake is the perfect pastime for me.    

I have many favourite Story memories. One that I remember fondly was writing the Life Story of a family friend and neighbour, we wrote it together before she passed away. When it was presented, shared and re-told, not only was I confident in that she was happy with every single word but I knew from people’s reactions, responses and testimonials they were content her life had been presented appropriately. Her story helped them move forward.          

I’d be honoured to help you create your story in order to have a meaningful working legacy for your family or business. 

Connect with Claire


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