Tom Toner

Spring Hill,TN
Certified StoryWay Guide

Hi, my name is Tom Toner

I’m a StoryWay Guide because for the last 20 years as a Corporate Chaplain I have been loving and listening to people tell their personal story to me as someone who they trust. I will never get over being trusted by someone else. The amazing part of a personal story is the excitement about life that comes through the voice and eyes of the storyteller.  Everyone has a unique story and I had the privilege of hearing hundreds of them over the years. Now I get to give the story right back to the storyteller in the form of at least a book. This historical document will be with families or companies until its end. There is only one you and you are uniquely designed to impact others with Your Story.

One significantly impactful story that stands out among many is when a friend trusted me enough to allow me to speak life into him to avoid suicide. He is thriving today, thank God. 

I am convinced the reason I am alive is to help people. It is a passion that is not diminishing. 

My wife Janice and I have been married for over 40 years. We both were on active duty in the Air Force.  I served for 20 years, most of which was in the field of Health Care Recruiting. We have 3 grown children, each married with children, 10 grandchildren. We are truly fortunate that they all live in the Nashville area, we see them often. I enjoy a good game of Racquetball until my body gives out. The Story continues.

I would be honored to help you make your life story come alive, not only to impact others but to leave a legacy for generations to come. Welcome!

Connect with Tom


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