Chris Tracy

Brownwood, TX
Certifications:  Awaken Guide

As a journalist, my great passion has been to draw the gold out of people. What makes them tick? How did they achieve a goal? Who influenced them? What are their hopes and dreams? I have always loved writing their stories for magazines and newspapers. 

Now as an Awaken Guide, I take that same passion and help people discover how their story can make a difference in the world. Whether the history of a business; the life story of an individual; or the soul behind a ministry – there is always a story of passion, destiny, and victory.

I now conduct these Awaken Workshops in both Colorado and Texas. We can meet for a weekend retreat at a beautiful Colorado mountain lodge; or I can also schedule workshops in other areas of Colorado and Texas. Face-to-face on the internet is also an option for those who are not able to travel.

I am a published author and a ministry leader, and I’m presently writing the book that emerged after my own Awaken Workshop. Like my husband and me, you will have an epiphany moment where the events of your life and who you are converge into a story that can make a beautiful difference in the lives of readers. Your story will encourage someone, help them overcome, and bring healing. If you feel called to write a book, then this is the story you will write with the help of the Awaken outline.

A recent pastor who went through my Awaken Workshop was thrilled to find he could narrow his focus and take his hundreds of ministry travel stories and make them into a book that not only tells his story – but compels the reader to take action.

Let me help you discover and uncover the unique story of your life. It will be my privilege and honor.

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