Dawn Pickard

Rutland, SD
Certifications:  Legacy Guide

Hi, my name is Dawn Pickard.  I am a StoryWay Guide because I truly believe that everyone has a story that deserves to be told. 

My favorite legacy story moment was when I found my Grandpa and my  Mom’s family histories that they both had documented to pass down to future generations.   It was at that moment that I knew I was following in their footsteps. I have the same desire as they did of preserving family histories.  I know how it feels to have a piece of the past and I want to make sure other people also have such a priceless and timeless gift. 

Outside of doing legacy interviews, I am a farmer. My husband and I farm 700 acres.  We work together as a team and it is rewarding to be a part of an operation like this and to be able to do it with my husband who I have been with since 3rd grade!  I also am a lunch lady for the Brookings School District. In my spare time, I love to conduct legacy interviews, bake, read, and spend time with my amazing family.  

I’d be honored to help you share your story with future generations.  If a person’s life story is not shared before they are gone it is lost.  I want to make sure that doesn’t happen with as many people as I possibly can.  Let’s get together and create a keepsake for your loved ones before it is too late.  

Connect with Dawn


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